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Powerworks EVC Sector

Hospitals, Universities & Councils

Public Sector requirements to install Electric Vehicle Charging Points reflect these organisation’s responsibility to enhance the uptake of Electric Vehicles amongst the wider population.

Whether the project is to install short term charging for visitors private vehicles in a Council’s Car Park, whether it is to support staff within a University such that they move across to Electric Vehicles and gain the benefit of reduced running costs, or whether it is to enable the charging of a fleet of vehicles ranging from staff transport, to specialist vehicles all of which must run on electric by 2040, the entire Public Sector must start to make itself ready for the changes coming.​



Demonstrate your Organisation’s environmental awareness and commitment to environmental issues, and take positive action


  • An income generating service, with the ability to set the price and allowing a significant additional income stream

  • Benefit to staff who can charge their own vehicles at reduced rates

  • Minivans, Ambulances, Maintenance Vehicles can operate at significantly reduced cost, saving over £1,500 per annum per vehicle on fuel costs

  • Enhancing visitor experience

  • Signage and protective barriers

  • Flexible payment options ranging from RFID cards for staff to card payment for Public facilities

  • Remote management of multiple systems

  • Full Maintenance and Emergency Service provision


Keep it simple – the complete solution provider:


Powerworks EVC make the whole process simple, from choosing the right equipment, to installing it, commissioning and maintaining the equipment & recovering the grant funding on your behalf, you are in safe & experienced hands.

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